Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Family Style Dining

Family Style Dining is an important way for children to learn many skills 
while doing something that is very routine... eating! 
We sit at the table together and the children help to pass out the dishes.
Children work on one to one correspondence by placing one plate or one spoon at each chair for each child. Many times as children are passing out items the other children are counting along to make sure we have enough for everyone.
We pass each item around the table so each child can take one spoonful and place it on their plate. While doing this the children are encouraged to say please and thank you.

The children take great pride in placing their own food on their own plate. They also are working on motor skills as they scoop food onto their plate.
 Pouring milk is a task that takes lots of concentration! Older children are able to do this on their own while younger children need an adult to help guide them in pouring their milk. Spills do happen but the children learn to clean the spill up and try again.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Painting Outside

I have been trying to figure out how to paint on a easel outside for over a year. 
The only solution that I could find was to bring our easel from inside outside. The 
indoor easel is heavy and hard to get outside, except for right out side the door. 
Thanks to Teach Preschool, my problem was solved! I took 2 pieces of plexiglass 
from Lowes and taped it together at the top with clear box tape.

I put the easels in the grass and let the kids paint on the plexiglass. You could also attach paper right to the easel with tape. Even the youngest ones loved taking a minute to see what they could do with the paintbrush!

When the kids were done painting they took a piece of paper and pressed the paper onto the wet paint.

The kids were very impressed with the 
image that appeared on their paper.

When we were done the kids took a spray bottle with water and watched their picture drip away.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Learning Centers

Our environment here at Lighthouse Learning Center is 
carefully set up into different learning centers so the children 
can learn by doing what they do best, PLAY! 
Take a look at what children are learning in each learning center.

Sidewalk Chalk Paint - Part Two

We love painting with chalk paint outside!
This is one of the best homemade recipes that I have ever tried!

Mix Together
1 part cornstarch
1 part water
a little bit of food coloring

I use 1/2 cup cornstarch and 1/2 cup water to make a larger amount of paint for each color. Then I store the paint in recycled containers to use over several days. After the paint sits the cornstarch does settle and need to be stirred before each use.

I found this great divided tray at the dollar store. It works perfect! When we are done painting and there is leftover paint all I have to do it line up the containers of paint and I can pour back all 3 colors at the same time. Well, most of it gets back into the container!

Many times when painting with young kids I give them colors of paint that can be mixed together without getting all yucky! It also gives kids a chance to figure out how to make new colors other then brown and black. Opps! I was excited to take a picture in action of the kids bringing nature into their art that I didn't notice one little guy painting his hand!

That's the fun of being outside on a nice day! An art activity can turn into a sensory activity. Then a little squirt of water and they are good to go inside again. Sometimes it takes lots of water but the memories and experience lasts a lifetime! When else do you get a chance to paint your hands, feet, legs, rocks and leafs?